Tunneling is a construction project which involves trenchless technology by utilizing specialized digging techniques that require heavy drilling equipment to construct small tunnels for sewers, pipelines, or other conduits. In tunneling, pumps are critical items for maintaining suitable working conditions and hitting production targets. If a pump fails, or underperforms, tunneling operations may have to stop, leading to costs and schedule over-runs.Therefore, the selection and specification of pumps and associated equipment requires significant attention and specialist input.
Tobee® Pump will not just be able to make recommendations about the most appropriate type, number and size of tunnel pumps for a given application; we may also be able to suggest novel solutions that lead to significant cost savings and performance improvements over the lifecycle of a project.
Tunnel pump selection is based on a number of parameters. The most fundamental of these are the required flow rate and head. Deeper construction sites inevitably require larger, more sophisticated pumps. A third key factor in construction applications is the quantity of solids in the water.
Slurry pumps help with slurry system circulation to and from the slurry separation location. Slurry feed pumps assist with slurry feed flow above the jacking shaft assisted by booster pumps with slurry return flow from the Tunneling Boring Machine (TBM), while the mid pumps aid the booster pumps on extended length drives and slurry return pumps assist with slurry return flow from the jacking frame to the slurry separation location. All slurry pumps are VFD driven for variable flow volumes depending on the project specifications.