Tobee® A and APP Series Pumps product line includes a wide range of centrifugal pumps, including single-stage and multi-stage pumps, submersible pumps, vertical turbine pumps, and more. centrifugal pumps are designed to meet the specific requirements of various applications, including high-pressure, high-flow, and low NPSH applications. Sulzer Equivalent Pumps' centrifugal pumps are also available in a variety of materials, including stainless steel, cast iron, and other specialized materials.
Ahlstar Process Pumps design advantages:
1. Versatile range of reliable and efficient impellers
2 .Innovative and reliable integrated degassing and self-priming units
3 .Robust, reliable and patented Rotokey impeller mounting
4 .Externally adjustable patented side plate
5 .Patented balancing holes
6 .Wide variety of shaft seal options
7. Heavy-duty shaft
8. Reliable bearing unit
9. Back pull-out design
AHLSTAR Process Pumps A Series, APP Series, WPP Series, NPP Series, EPP Series Pumps Models:
A10-32, A10-50, A10-65, A11-32, A11-40, A11-50, A20-65, A20-80, A21-65, A21-80, A21-100, A22-32, A22-40, A22-50, A22-65, A22-80, A23-40, A23-50, A31-100, A31-125, A31-150, A32-65, A32-80, A32-100, A32-125, A33-80, A33-100, A33-125, A41-200, A41-300, A41-400, A42-150, A42-200, A43-250, A43-350, A43-500 A44-150, A44-200, A51-250, A51-300, A51-400, A51-500, A53-100, A53-150, A53-200, A53-250, A53-300,A53-400, A55-100, A55-200, A55-250, A55-300,A60-500, A60-600, A63-400,A63-500, A63-600, A63-700, A71-250, A71-300, A71-400, A71-500, A71-600, A72-300, A72-400, A72-500, A72-600, A43-250, A43-350, A43-500, A51-250, A51-300, A51-400, A51-500, A53-100, A53-150, A53-200, A53-250, A53-300, A53-400, A55-100, A55-200, A55-250, A55-300, A60-500, A60-600, A63-400 A63-500, A63-600, A63-700, A71-250, A71-300, A71-400, A71-500, A71-600, A72-300, A72-400, A72-500, A72-600 etc.
APP11-32, APP11-40, APP11-50, APP21-65, APP21-80, 8S, APP22-32, WPP22-32, APP22-40, APP22-50, WPP22-50, APP22-80, 8S, APP23-40, APP23-50, WPP23-50, EPP31-65, APP31-100, 10S, EPP31-100, APP31-125, 10P, APP31-150, APP32-65, APP32-80, 8S, WPP32-80, 8S, APP32-100, 10S, WPP32-100, 10S, EPP32-100, APP32-125, 10P, WPP32-125, 10P , APP33-100, 10S, WPP33-100, 10S, APP33-125, 10P, EPP41-150, APP41-200, EPP41-200, APP41-300 APP42-150, EPP42-150, APP42-200, EPP42-200, EPP42-250, EPP43-100, EPP43-150, APP43-250, APP43-300 , APP44-150, WPP44-150, APP44-200, WPP44-200, APP51-250, APP51-300, APP52-350, APP52-400, APP53-100, EPP53-100, WPP53-100, APP53-150, WPP53-150, APP53-200, WPP53-200, EPP53-200, APP53-250, WPP53-250 , EPP53-250, APP53-300, EPP53-300, APP54-400, WPP54-400, APP54-500, EPP54-500, APP55-100, APP55-200, APP55-250, APP55-300, EPP55-300, WPP55-300, APP61-500, EPP61-500, APP61-600, WPP61-600, APP62-400, APP51-300, APP53-200, WPP53-200, APP53-250, WPP53-250, APP53-300, APP54-400, WPP54-400, APP54-500, APP55-100, APP55-300, EPP55-300, WPP55-300, APP61-500, EPP61-500, APP61-600, WPP61-600, APP62-400 etc