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Home > All Product > 200SV-SP Vertical Slurry Pump Wear Spare Parts FPL Insert SP20041A05 back liner

200SV-SP Vertical Slurry Pump Wear Spare Parts FPL Insert SP20041A05 back liner

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Product Brands: Tobee

Tobee® Wet end Parts Wear Spare Parts FPL Insert SP20041A05 back liner, Impeller SP20206A05 Wheel on 200SV-SP Vertical Slurry Pump, marine vertical sewage pump, vertical spindle pump, vertical sump pump, corrosion resistance vertical pump, vertical cantilever sump slurry pump, Discharge Sump Pump.


$3900.00 $4500.00


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Tobee® Wet end Parts Wear Spare Parts FPL Insert SP20041A05 back liner, Impeller SP20206A05 Wheel on 200SV-SP Vertical Slurry Pump, marine vertical sewage pump, vertical spindle pump, vertical sump pump, corrosion resistance vertical pump, vertical cantilever sump slurry pump, Discharge Sump Pump.

Tobee® Slurry Pump Frame plate liner insert is wear parts for slurry pumps, It is also called for slurry pump back liner based on locating position in slurry pump structure, Frame plate liner insert forms a pump chamber with throat bush and volute liner where the slurry would flow through them, Tobee offers high chrome, natural rubber and polyurethane materials for different working condition.

Tobee® Interchangeable Slurry Pump Frame Plate Liner Insert Code:

FPL Insert Tobee TH Slurry Pump AH Slurry Pump Materials
B1041 TH1.5/1B 1.5/1B-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
B15041 TH2/1.5B 2/1.5B-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
C2041 TH3/2C 3/2C-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
D3041 TH4/3C, TH4/3D 4/3C-AH, 4/3D-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
E4041 TH6/4D, TH6/4E 6/4D-AH, 6/4E-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
F6041 TH8/6E, 8/6F, TH8/6R 8/6E-AH, 8/6F-AH, 8/6R-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
G8041 TH10/8ST 10/8ST-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
G10041 TH12/10ST 12/10ST-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
G12041 TH14/12F, TH14/12ST 14/12F-AH,14/12ST-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
H14041 TH16/14TU 16/14TU-AH High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
FPL Insert Tobee THH Slurry Pump HH Slurry Pump Materials
CH1041 THH1.5/1C 1.5/1C-HH High chrome, Polyurethane
DH2041 THH3/2D 3/2D-HH High chrome, Polyurethane
EH3041 THH4/3E 4/3E-HH High chrome, Polyurethane
FH4041 THH6/4F 6/4F-HH High chrome, Polyurethane
FH6041 THH6S, THH8/6S 6S-H, 8/6S-H High chrome, Polyurethane
FPL Insert Tobee TL Slurry Pump L Slurry Pump Materials
175041 TL20A 20A-L High chrome, Natural rubber
32056 TL50B 50B-L High chrome, Natural rubber
43041 TL75C 75C-L High chrome, Natural rubber
64041 TL100D 100D-L High chrome, Natural rubber
86041 TL150E 150E-L High chrome, Natural rubber
108041 TL200E 200E-L High chrome, Natural rubber
SL30041 TL300S 300S-L High chrome, Natural rubber
SL35041 TL350S 350S-L High chrome, Natural rubber
STL40041 TL400ST 400ST-L High chrome, Natural rubber
STL45041 TL450ST 450ST-L High chrome, Natural rubber
TUL55041 TL550TU 550TU-L High chrome, Natural rubber
FPL Insert Tobee TG(H) Gravel Pump G(H) Gravel Pump Materials
DG4041 TG6/4D, TG6/4E 6/4D-G, 6/4E-G High chrome
EG6041 TG8/6E 8/6E-G High chrome
FG8041 TG10/8F, TG10/8S 10/8F-G, 10/8S-G High chrome
FG10041 TG12/10G 12/10G-G High chrome
GG12041 TG14/12G 14/12G-G High chrome
FGH8041 TGH10/8F 10/8F-GH High chrome
SGGH10041 TGH12/10G 12/10G-GH High chrome
TG14041 TGH16/14TU 16/14TU-GH High chrome
FPL Insert Tobee TP Vertical Slurry Pump SP Vertical Slurry Pump Materials
SP4041 TP40PV 40PV-SP High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
SP65041 TP65QV 65QV-SP High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
SP10041 TP100RV 100RV-SP High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
SP15041 TP150SV 150SV-SP High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
SP20041 TP200SV 200SV-SP High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
SP25041 TP250SV 250TV-SP High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane
SP30041 TP300TV 300TV-SP High chrome, Natural rubber, Polyurethane

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